I'm an artist. I create art, I love art, and I would fight for art if it was in a war. Now, I don't always paint to make art, sometimes I make artful music , sometimes I write about things in an artful way and I share it with the world (ahem, my blog) and even I just like to take a normal sharpie and decorate a T-shirt with some random slogan that just happens to say "Whatever Happened to the artists?" I really wish that I knew.
If I knew more about why artists are on the decline, then I would love to talk to someone about it. Even at school (yes, I'm that into school) I can't find the artists. When I talk to my friends about "art" and why "art is on the decline in society" they just call me off as being "crazy" or that "I'm the one who can't see the art in today's society, not us.".
So I'm lost. What the heck do I do now? do I keep wigging out on my guitar and making it so loud that others around me leave because they "wish I played something with chords?" Do I keep making and wearing the things that aren't "in" and wearing the shirts that have the things that "people don't get". Yes I know is hard but, I think I just need to think about where I'm going so I won't become that "starving artist" that I really don't want to be.
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