Sunday, November 7, 2010

Debate and wasabi don't mix.

Yesterday was my first debate meet of the year. I've been volunteering with the new members in October to get them ready for November, which is varsity season. Yesterday was our first varsity meet of the year, but I chose not to debate. I did do student congress as my alternative event. Why did I do this? Well, we started doing our cases last week and I realized that I was not going to win anything this week with a half done case (I seen this happen though, but I rather be safe than sorry).

When the day was over around 7:00 I ranked up a nomination and a pretty cool yellow ribbon. Not a bad day.  By then, I was up for a pretty savory 15 hours. I was then notified of a pizza party half way across town. I was going to go but then I remembered that my friend wanted me to go to this concert at 8:00. Realizing that I couldn't fly across town, I had to decline even though I really wanted to go.

When I got home, I enjoyed some vegetarian sushi and a veggie bowl. Out of absentmindedness I put soy sauce on wasabi and ate it straight. I then was crying on my floor for a good 15 minutes due to my nasal cavities being blown. 

I then went to bed and got up at 12:30  and watched some movie on TV. I then slept and ate a pop tart for breakfast.

It might just be me, but I think my life is starting to get duller. It feels like I'm stuck doing the same old thing every day, or every weekend. I might need something to look forward to. I might need to find some weekday concerts to go to. But whatever I do, I'm going to enjoy today first.


  1. You should've come!

  2. I really was going to go. But I realized that I was 5 dollars short, and that I still had my formal clothes on.
