I really want a tattoo. I was thinking of a dragon with fire or something, or a dharma wheel. I just want something different and something that has a high value in my life. I need to pick something good because I really don't want to get laser surgery to remove the thing once I "don't like it " anymore. I want something that says "Wow, that is awesome, but at the same time, it's a work of art!" I want to get the tattoo and have no regrets. Or in other words, I want to be 75 with the same tattoo and love it just as much as when I first got it. I'm not sure if I want to get it now, or a little bit later. I'm thinking later because I can have some time to think about it you know? I don't want to rush a tattoo and then be like "why on earth did I get this?". If that happened, I would have to get it altered, or just get it removed altogether. I seen when people get tattoos removed, it just looks awful. Yeah, I don't think that I want that.
I was even thinking about drawing the tattoo out myself. That way, people would say "Oh wow! Who did that tatoo?" and I would reply "I drew it, some guy I know put it on me". So then that way, I could be the only one in the world with a dragon in a flame background with a pantbrush and eisel. Awesome right?
Yeah, I think that I might just go for the outlandish "Oh my God, what the heck is that" kinds of tattoos. I wouldn't go too extreme though, like a robot playing chess against a tree in an oven. That brings up something else, I shouldn't get drunk (or abuse an illegal substance, I don't anyway) when I get that tattoo. Because you know what happens when you get drunk right? I don't want to have a tattoo of Samuel Adams with a pirate hat on my left arm (sounds cool, but I don't want it).
I still have some thinking left before I really decide on what I want. That's just fine with me because I want to be happy with what I get, and keep it for the rest of my life. I guess that tattoos are really "skin tight".
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