Not too long ago, I decided to go back into being vegetarian. I didn't quit because I craved bacon sandwiches, I had to stop temporally due to "heath reasons".I'm better now, (thanks invisible pink unicorn) but I'm really missing all of my carnivore influenced snack foods. If I had to be stuck eating one food before I went this transformation, it would be Canadian Bacon and Pineapple pizza (Canada jokes are coming soon, don't worry about it). Now that I can't eat ham, or bacon, or anything from a pig or cow, I have to find something more creative to eat. Lately, I've been trying to replace real "meat" with "meat replacement" (also known as tofu).It isn't half bad, but the trick is trying to get that "spongy" taste to go away. Synthetic meat isn't that bad, but most of the time its oatmeal made to look like something, like a hamburger. Look at the difference: the top picture is a "real" hamburger, and the bottom is a "veggie burger".

You can feel my pain right? Look at that thing, the real hamburger is just saying "Come and bite me. I'm very good", and wimpy veggie burger is pleading "Try me, I'm healthy". Its the same ingredients, but
meat just
looks better. Refer back to the veggie one again, look at the veggies around it. I think tomato,
lamo pickle and green and green frazzle grass are veggie burger's "tough friends". If insulted, they will most likely reply "Hey man, don't pick on veggie burger. He has 8 vitamins and nutrients to keep you going throughout the day!" Regular hamburger doesn't play that though, regular hamburger has its "awesomeness" to protect him. Veggie wimp doesn't get that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not done ranting about me excluding meat from my diet. I just need some time to think about all of the other foods that I miss. I should have pt. 2 up today or tomorrow. Anyway, here is a little thing to read while you wait.
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