12:00: Wake up. Make up bed. Go online and check updates from various websites.
12:30: Watch Soccer Game.
1:00: Continue to watch soccer game.
1:30: Still watch soccer game.
2:00: Try to finish watching soccer game.
3:00: Get back on-line to see that I still have no new notifications.
3:30: Sit on the couch and think for 30 minutes.
4:00: Eat some pizza.
4:30: Think about blogging.
5:00 - 7:00: Sleep
7:30: More pizza
8:00: Start typing my blog entry.
Did you notice that I limited my human contact today? I don't know if people don't feel like talking to me, or if I don't' feel like talking to people. My Saturdays off are like hell, its like being dragged through mud. Have you ever been dragged though mud? I haven't either, but you get what I'm trying to say right? Saturdays are like caramel bars, they are thick, difficult to bite through, and quite tasty. So in the end I love Saturdays, but they tend to compress my fun into a measly two hours. (That is a picture of caramel cheesecake by the way)
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