- Write blog post on all the things that I did on my "to - do" list.
- Finish writing post about my music collection on "The Sound Collection".
- Write Birthday wish list.
- Go outside and do something before it gets too dark.
- Buy skateboard wheels before winter.
- Buy 3 pairs of new pants.
- Get a Le Tigre CD and dance to it.
- Get Mika Miko's C.Y.S.L.A.B.F CD and blog about it.
- Buy some Cd's off of mail order.
- Buy something from of K Records and blog about it.
- Buy something from 4AD Records and blog about it.
- Upload new CD's that I got for free.
- Finish that darn summer reading book by next week so I can be like "Yeah! I finished my summer reading early :D"
- Finish that darn History homework so I can be like "Yeah! I finished my summer homework early!"
- Take more naps/sleep late/get to bed early.
- E-mail friend and and update them on stuff thats going on.
- Try to update my blog theme.
- Read another 3 books this summer.
- "Try" to hang out with my friends before they go to school.
- Go Skateboarding.
- Start packing for weekend trip.
- Finish the patches I started making.
- Start making bracelets from my old broken belt.
- Buy a new belt/get a new belt buckle.
- Think about new hair cut and get it.
- Buy two or three pairs of shoes.
- Play my guitar more.
- Finish that song I started writing earlier this summer.
- Write a journal entry.
- Write a blog entry.
Yeah, I know that I won't get all of this done in one day, but it is still worth a try. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.
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