Thursday, August 19, 2010


My academic year starts on Monday, so I'm kind of pumped that I (finally) got my classes today. I'm still not quite done with my summer homework, but that's fine because most of my peers haven't even started yet (I'm almost done. Whoo Hoo!!). I'm not really looking forward to going back to school (if you know what I mean..) I'd much rather rock out with my band, buy Cd's, go to concerts, and rock out. I still have time for that I guess, but I have to get that debate stuff out of the way first. So here is my class listing.

We have a alternating schedule (one day 4 periods, another day 4 periods) so here is what I got.

Day One
1.Health (first semester)/Off period (second semester)
3.Freshmen Seminiar helper (quarter one)/Psychology and Sociology of Sports next semester
4. Algebra 2. (I hate math...)

Day Two
1.AP Lang and Comp
2.AP US History
3.French 3
4.Chemistry Honors.

That doesn't sound too bad, but I don't have my off period! Yeah, I can get to school later and sleep more, but I would rather do my homework sometimes. I'll keep you all posted on how I'm doing throught the year.

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