Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What I should be doing right now.

I'm kind of bored right now, so I'm going to list the things that I should be doing right now. Hopefully, this will serve as a list so I can start to do these things whenever I get bored in the next few days. And to make it fun, I'm going to see how many of these things I can do in a whole day. Its fun, and I get something done too!

  1. Write blog post on all the things that I did on my "to - do" list.
  2. Finish writing post about my music collection on "The Sound Collection".
  3. Write Birthday wish list.
  4. Go outside and do something before it gets too dark.
  5. Buy skateboard wheels before winter. 
  6. Buy 3 pairs of new pants.
  7. Get a Le Tigre CD and dance to it.
  8. Get Mika Miko's C.Y.S.L.A.B.F CD and blog about it.
  9. Buy some Cd's off of mail order.
  10. Buy something from of K Records and blog about it.
  11. Buy something from 4AD Records and blog about it. 
  12. Upload new CD's that I got for free.
  13. Finish that darn summer reading book by next week so I can be like "Yeah! I finished my summer reading early :D"
  14. Finish that darn History homework so I can be like "Yeah! I finished my summer homework early!"
  15. Take more naps/sleep late/get to bed early.
  16. E-mail friend and and update them on stuff thats going on.
  17. Try to update my blog theme.
  18. Read another 3 books this summer.
  19. "Try" to hang out with my friends before they go to school.
  20. Go Skateboarding.
  21. Start packing for weekend trip.
  22. Finish the patches I started making.
  23. Start making bracelets from my old broken belt.
  24. Buy a new belt/get a new belt buckle.
  25. Think about new hair cut and get it.
  26. Buy two or three pairs of shoes. 
  27. Play my guitar more.
  28. Finish that song I started writing earlier this summer.
  29. Write a journal entry.
  30. Write a blog entry.

Yeah, I know that I won't get all of this done in one day, but it is still worth a try. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

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