Sunday, July 25, 2010

What I want for my birthday.

I don't want too much for my birthday because I don't want too much of anything anyway because I don't need material objects (thanks Buddha!). I might just be growing up but I really tried to think about what I wanted for my birthday, but I couldn't find more than 5 things that I would really like to make my birthday the best ever.  I broke this list into  material things that I wanted, and the non-material things that I wanted. It was only fair.

  • The Simpson's Season 5. I could settle for seasons 4 and 6 too. (Note to blog readers: I am a Simpsonholic. I seen every episode and can quote just about every one too. I should be yellow)
  •  South Park Seasons 8,9, or 10
    I love South Park, so why not (try) to have the whole series on DVD? Yeah, I think that the series has started to slip in the past few seasons but its fine with me. I'll just watch the older and better episodes. If you are just getting into South Park, I recommend seasons 1-10, don't waste your time with the newer ones, they are just not top-notch.
  • Money.
    No, I'm not asking for 250 dollars. I'd be happy with 10 or 20 so I could buy some CD's or improve my vinyl collection (Yes 20 dollars will buy you about 5 used vinyls at my favorite shop. 20 dollars would also buy you 1 brand new release from just about any indie label. Blame hipsters.
  • Effects pedal for my awesome guitar
    I'm cheepo, I bought this pretty good multi-effects pedal for like 30 dollars at Christmas time as a gift for myself. I still use it, but I want to upgrade to this distortion pedal that's really great. What's the catch? I know this place where you can get the same pedal for only...20 dollars! Hah, I'm not spending 120 dollars for this pedal new! I'm a cheepo 8)
  • Wii Fit Plus
  • I'm a health nut, but I never have the time to go run around outside or go for a walk. I have the Original Wii Fit, but I kind of "beat" the game. This game must be good if it has a "plus" on it. Its like improved fitness plan. I need to get on a fitness plan anyway. 
Non Material Things
  • I want to have a good year.
    I'm so happy that I really started to find myself last birthday. I just want to keep this "happy streak" going so I can keep enjoying life as much as I do right now.
  • I want to show people what I'm made of.
    Most people that I encounter (not all of them) think that I'm a "quiet kid who will go on a shooting rampage if provoked. Oh, and she is kind of nice." That isn't true. I know that I don't really care about what other people think about me, but when people go up to me and say "you can't do that because you are stupid" then I really got to say something back to them.
  •  I want to reach my goals.
     I have big goals and small goals, but either way I have things that I want to achieve. That is very important because if I didn't have any goals, then I would just be asleep all of the time and I can't even do that.  The only thing that I have to do now is to write a list of my goals and slowly reach them, one at a time. I know that this is going to take a while, but it still is worth trying. 
  •  I want to volunteer more.
     I do lots of volunteering, but I want to do even more. I'm not bored with the stuff that I do now, but I just want to really see if I can find a place where I really want to waste my time. (I meant that as a good waste of time too).
  • Keep being me.
    I really learned the importance of being myself this summer, but I always knew that being my outlandish geeky self was a good thing after all. It is really hard for a kid like me to be me in a urban wetland of teens who think its a bad thing to stand up for yourself, listen to punk rock, be smart, not watch MTV and be friendly. I admit that sometimes I wonder why they hate me, but then again, I can always think about the promise that I made to myself.
I want one last thing...
A Birthday Cake!  Whats a birthday without the cake?

Anddd Here is a video that just popped into my mind that regards birthday cake.

Cibo Matto - Birthday Cake (Live) 

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